
What is it?

Agroledger is software created by Canadian sheep producers to simplify the livestock tracing process. At no additional cost, Canadian sheep producers can more easily meet regulatory requirements. More importantly, stakeholders can access information such as performance, grading, genetics, and wool data by using a CSIP tag.  

How does it work?

By using readily available technology, Agroledger supports an efficient information-sharing highway that allows farmers and ranchers to make more informed management decisions. By using existing technology, large amounts of information can be managed quickly. With this data tracked through blockchain, the information is secure and safe from tampering. This innovative system makes animal data accessible at the touch of a finger, effectively setting the stage for full farm-to-fork traceability.

How does it help prevent AMR?

Rapid information sharing simplifies the reporting process. While creating value for the users, this system also creates instant traceability to critical disease information and the ability to respond to disease instantly. This can be used to improve the health of the herd, minimizing the need for antimicrobial use and the development of AMR. 

Intervention Categories:
  • AgroLedger is a blockchain system that was created to collect data and provide value for all stakeholders throughout the entire animal production value chain. The system keeps owner history private, but animal info is accessible. It can include genetic indexing, registration, medical treatments, vaccines, etc. Events can also be geo-located for traceability requirements.
    • The ID stays with the animal/product beyond the slaughterhouse and into consumer products. Users can trace the animal history to determine if it falls into different categories (e.g., corn-fed, antibiotic-free, organic, assured welfare, etc.)   
    • The technology is currently being piloted with sheep, but has great potential to expand to other livestock industries.