Holding Pond Liners

What is it?

Holding pond liners create an impermeable barrier between potential contaminants and the groundwater [1]. 

Holding ponds, sometimes also referred to as lagoons, are used to collect runoff from the controlled drainage area of a feedlot. This runoff contains manure constituents that could present a serious ecological hazard if allowed into the groundwater. To prevent this contamination, liners made of clay or other synthetic materials such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) are used to create an impermeable barrier between the pond water and the surrounding environment [2], [3].  


  • The construction of holding ponds requires careful planning to ensure that they will not impact the surrounding water systems.
  • Liners must be built to last many years as they are difficult to change once the holding pond is in use.
Image sourced from TenCate Industrial Fabrics

How Does it Prevent AMR?

The installation of a feedlot holding pond liner helps to prevent AMR by preventing any microbes that may be in the feedlot runoff from entering the groundwater. By stopping the contamination at the source there is less risk that potential antimicrobial resistant strains spread into the environment or develop antimicrobial resistance within the environment.  

Existing Tools


These synthetic liners are meant for livestock and manure management.

These manure storage liners are made with reinforced membranes.

Further Reading

Research Gaps

Product/Service Gaps


[1]         P. Watts and O. Keane, ‘Feedlot Design and Construction – Holding Pond Design’. Accessed: Sep. 09, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.mla.com.au/globalassets/mla-corporate/research-and-development/program-areas/feeding-finishing-and-nutrition/feedlot-design-manual/012-holding-pond-design-2016_04_01.pdf

[2]         M. Rhoades, D. Parker, and Z. Buser, ‘Installation of a HDPE liner in a Beef Cattle Feedyard’, Jul. 2005.

[3]         National Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots in Australia, ‘Appendix C. – Clay lining of feedlot pens, pads and drainage system’. Accessed: Sep. 09, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://inverell.nsw.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Attachment-Appendix-E-Clay-Lining-Specifications.pdf

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