Paper Blog: The CSE Act and Canadian Cyber Security Practices

In 2019, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) had its mandates expanded under the CSE Act from three to five, with the two newest additions authorizing the agency to conduct “active” (offensive) and “defensive” cyber operations. My paper asked the following question: What significance does the CSE Act’s new mandates entail for the CSE’s role in …

Jan 17 Blog Post – Ransomware infected USBs

Last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned government organizations and private businesses that ransomware-infested USB sticks have been shipped across the United States by a ransomware group called FIN7 (Vaas, 2022). Concerningly, FIN7 has masked its packages to appear authentic and originating from Amazon and/or federal agencies. FIN7’s objective is to compromise the …