A leading edge 3-year MD program at the University of Calgary

Re: Update-Final Rank order list and verifiers being contacted

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend wherever you may be. For most, if you are in an undergraduate program the exams are behind you.

We have completed our AdCom meetings and approved the Final Rank order lists which takes into account your file review score, interview score, and discussions pertaining to areas of concern.

Last week we began contacting verifiers and referees. This is a random process as we choose both those who are on our offer list, waitlist, AND those who are on our regret list. As in past years, having your verifier contacted or not, the number of verifiers contacted, or lack thereof, does not correlate to where you are on our final rank order list.

I know the waiting process can be stressful and full of anxiety but I’m happy to say that we are slightly ahead of schedule and we will likely be in a position to put offers out the week of May 10th.

My next post will be an update on the date and approximate time that offers will be sent out.

Best of luck to everyone