A leading edge 3-year MD program at the University of Calgary

Update on Decision of Handling GPA for the 2019-20 Academic Year-PLEASE READ

Dear future applicants,

There has been a significant amount of discussion surrounding how to handle GPA calculation for the 2019-20 academic year. There were many proposals and each was judged taking into account differences at different institutions, the impact the decision would have on cohort metrics, and the ability to strive for equity and transparency while allowing the individual applicant to put their best foot forward.


Academic grades associated with courses taken during the 2019-2020 academic year will be used in the GPA calculation
for admission consideration to the MD program in the Cumming School of Medicine in the following manner:

1. The units/credits completed during the Winter 2020 term will be counted toward a student’s full-time status as
outlined in the application procedures for this program.

2. The GPA for the 2019-20 academic year may be chosen by the student to either reflect:

a. The grades from the Fall 2019 term, as long as a minimum of 9 units/credits are associated with a
numerical or letter grade; OR

b. Fall 2019 and Winter 2020, as long as 18 units/credits are associated with a numerical or letter grade
AND all eligible units/credits in the Winter 2020 term are reported as numerical or letter grades.

Please note, the applicant will still need to be enrolled full-time by our definition in the 2019-20 academic year (i.e. a minimum of 24 units/credits)

Also, please note that eligible means that if you had the option of taking the grade we need to see the grade not the credit to take option 2 b)

Please make decisions based on not only this policy but the polices of other MD program across the country that you may want to apply to as in the end it will be your transcript.


Any UCalgary student that has already request the CR and wish to have this cancelled, please email examinfo@ucalgary.ca as soon as possible. The deadline for cancellations is noon on May 22, 2020.