Histories and Theories of University, Education, and Academic Cultures | Academic Publishing and Editorial Cultures |
Histories of Rural Communities and Schooling |
Histories and Theories of University, Education, and Academic Cultures
Academic Conferences
*Panels organized
- *Paul Stortz (June 2019). “The Invisibility and Marginalization of Women Academics and Researchers at the University of Toronto, 1930-1945.” Paper for panel “Alternative Voices in Canadian Universities in the Twentieth Century,” Canadian Association of Foundations of Education, University of British Columbia.
- Paul Stortz (May, 2016). “Refugee Professors at the University of Toronto, 1939-1946: Prosopographical and Historiographical Update.” Paper for the Annual Conference of Canadian Society for The History of Medicine, University of Calgary, AB.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2014, October). “Resisting and Regulating Initiation: Powlett and Powlett vs. the University of Alberta, 1932.” Paper for the 18th Biennial Meeting of the Canadian History of Education Society, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
- Chris Hyland and Paul Stortz (2014, September). “Student Life on the University of Alberta Campus during the First World War.” Paper for panel “Alberta During and After the War” at the Material Culture and The First World War: Western Canadian Narratives Symposium, The Military Museums, Calgary, Alberta.
- * Paul Stortz, (2014, July). “The Rise of Research and Challenges to Academic Cultures in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Toronto During the Second World War.” Paper for panel “Canadian Academic Community Responses to War and Peace, 1914-1957” at the International Standing Conference for the History of Education 36, the Institute of Education, University of London.
- Paul Stortz (2014, July). ““Distinctly Feminine”: Women Academics at the University of Toronto During the Second World War.” Paper for International Standing Conference for the History of Education 36, the Institute of Education, University of London.
- Paul Stortz (2014, June). “The Socio-Intellectual Imaginings and Place of the Professor as Community Intellectual, 1900-1950.” Paper for the International Society for Intellectual History 2014 Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2013). “Blurring the Boundaries between the Campus and the Community: University Initiations for Women Students in Western Canada, 1920-1950.” Paper for the 92nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Historical Association, University of Victoria, British Columbia.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2013). “‘Preserving Places on Paper’: Visual Culture and University Campus Maps, 1920-1960.” Poster Session for the 92nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Historical Association, University of Victoria, British Columbia.
- *E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz Paul (2012). “’Feverish Frolics of the Frivolous Frosh’: University Cultures of Initiations for Women Students in Western Canada, 1915-1950.” Paper for panel “International Perspectives on Women and Higher Education” at the 17th Biennial Meeting of the Canadian History of Education Society, Vancouver, BC
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz Paul (2012). “Historical Photography and the Performance of Educational History.” Paper for the 17th Biennial Meeting of the Canadian History of Education Society, Vancouver, BC.
- *E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2011). “The Embodiment of Transgressions: Destabilizing Feminine ‘Normality’ for the Sake of Community and School Spirit, 1915-1930.” Paper for the History of Education Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2011). “Through the Iron Gates of Plutoria University: Intersections of Space and Intellectual Cultures on English-Canadian University Campuses, 1880-1950s.” Paper for the 90th Annual Conference of the Canadian Historical Association, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2010). “Visual Myth-Making and the University Campus: University of Toronto’s Pictorial Maps, 1932 and 1937.” Paper for the 16th Biennial Meeting of the Canadian History of Education Association, Toronto, Ontario.
- Paul Stortz (2010). “From Westminster to War: Canadian Universities’ and Scholars’ Negotiated Colonial Hegemony to Great Britain, 1930-1945.” “Scholarly Networks in the British Empire: Transnational and Imperial Connections after 1850” Conference, Wadham College, University of Oxford.
- *Paul Stortz (2010). “’How I Killed my English Prof.’: Stories of Professors as the Intellectual Embodiment on Canadian Campuses.” Paper for panel, “Fictions and Fanciful Tales of University Life, 1910-1950” at the 89th Annual Conference of the Canadian Historical Association, Concordia University, Montreal.
- *Paul Stortz (2008). “A Historiographical Critique of University Reaction to Refugee Professors and the Experience of Political Economist Karl Helleiner, 1939-1946.” Paper for panel, “Cultures, Communities, and Conflict: Experiences of Canadian Universities and War” at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the Canadian History of Education Association, Sudbury, Ontario.
- *Paul Stortz (2008). “Emerging Identities: Childhood Experiences and Early Academic Transformations of University of Toronto Professors, 1930-1945.” Paper for panel, “The Historical Shaping of the Critical Mind: Experiences and Identities of Youth and the Formation of University Cultures” at the 87th Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
- *Paul Stortz (2007). “Faculty of Arts Professors and Community Development in Toronto, 1930-1945.” Paper for panel, “Professors, University Research, and Constructions of Canadian State and Society, 1890-1950” at the 86th Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
- Paul Stortz (2007). “Professors and ‘Brain-Trusters’: Redefining Scholarly Cultures and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Toronto, 1930-1945.” Paper for the Third Annual Conference on the Study of Book Culture, sponsored by the Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
- *Paul Stortz (2006). “’Transmitting the Sacred Fire of Knowledge’: Conflicting Interpretations of Teaching Cultures in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Toronto, 1935-1945.” Paper for panel “Professors, University Research, and Constructions of Canadian State and Society, 1890-1950” at the 14th Biennial Meeting of the Canadian History of Education Association, University of Ottawa.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2004). “’To Instruct the Newcomer and Amuse the Bored’: Producing Communities and Identities in the Mapping of a University Campus.” Paper for the XXXI International Congress of the History of Art/Comité international d’histoire de l’art, University of Montreal, Quebec.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2004). “Intellectual Space, Image, and Identities in the Historical University Campus: Helen Kemp’s Map of the University of Toronto, 1932.” Paper presented at the 83rd Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and Paul Stortz (2003). “Forging a British Identity on Campus: Contestation and Conflict over the Function of the Professoriate and a University Education, 1880-1915.” Paper for The British World Conference, University of Calgary, Alberta.
- *Paul Stortz (2003). ”Challenges to Ethnic Hegemony: Socio-Academic Response to Refugee Professors at the University of Toronto, 1935-1945.” Paper for the panel “Cultural Tension and Identity of Professors in Canada and the United States: Refugees, Radicalism, and Visual Representation, 1890-1945” at the 82nd Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- *Paul Stortz (2000). “‘We’re a Living Death’: Community, Campus, and Refugee Professors and the University of Toronto, 1935-1945.” Paper for the panel “Challenges to Ethnic Hegemony in Intellectual Community and Culture: Jewish Students and Professors at the University of Toronto, 1910-1950” at the 79th Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
- *Paul J. Stortz (1999). “Public Perceptions and Private Ruminations: Evolving Professorial Identity in Canada.” Paper presented for panel “Identities of the Professoriate: A Case Study of the Early Role of the Professoriate and Development of Culture and Community” at the Association for Canadian Studies’ Annual Conference, “Assessing 100 Years of Canadian Thought and Writing,” Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec.
- *Paul J. Stortz (1999). “An Introduction to the Evolution of Professorial Identity and Historiography.” Paper presented for panel “Challenges to the Historical Identity of the Canadian Professoriate” at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, “Postsecondary Institutions of the Year 2000: Changing Role of Faculty,” Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec.
- *Paul J. Stortz (1999). “Culture, Community, and Professorial Identity: Professors and the Public in Toronto, 1930-1945.” Paper presented for panel “Challenges to Educational and Cultural Identity: Professors and Students at the University of Toronto, 1909-1945” at the 78th Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec.
- *Paul J. Stortz (1998). “Refugee Professors and the University of Toronto, 1935-1945.” Paper presented for panel, “University Culture” at the Canadian History of Education Association Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
- *Paul J. Stortz (1996). “A Profile of the Professor at Work: The Professoriate in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Toronto, 1935-1945.” Paper presented for panel, “History of the University Professoriate in Canada: Institutional Development and a Case for Academic Freedom” at the Canadian History of Education Association/History of Education Society (USA) Conference, University of Toronto, Ontario.
- *Paul J. Stortz (1995). “Women Faculty and Marginalization at the University of Toronto during the Second World War.” Paper presented for panel, “Women in Higher Education: A Historical, Contemporary, and Cross-Cultural Approach” at the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, l’Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Paul J. Stortz (1995). “’And She’s a Good Cook, Too’: Women Faculty and Gender in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Toronto, 1938-1945.” Paper presented at the Higher Education Group Seminar Series, Higher Education Group, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto, Ontario.
- Paul J. Stortz (1994). “Research Initiatives and Organization of Professors at the University of Toronto During the Second World War.” Paper presented at the Eighth Biennial Conference of the Canadian History of Education Association: Ideology in the History of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s.
- Paul J. Stortz (1994). “The Role of the University in Historical Perspective: Research at the University of Toronto, 1939-1945.” Paper presented at the Canadian Studies Conference: The Canadian University in the Twenty-First Century, St. John’s College, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
- Paul J. Stortz (1994). “Power of the Professoriate: The University of Toronto During the Second World War.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, University of Calgary, Alberta.
- Paul J. Stortz (1994). “`A Living Organism’”: The University of Toronto during the Second World War.” Paper presented at the Fifth Colloquium of the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic, and Disarmament Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.
Invited and Featured Lectures
- (2015) “The Canadian Society for the Protection of Science and Learning and Refugee Professors at the University of Toronto, 1935-1945.” Invited lecture at the “Writing the History of the Forced-Migration of German-Speaking Neuroscientists and Biomedical Researchers between 1933 and 1989” Workshop, Wadham College, Oxford, UK.
- (2015) Guest Professor/Lecturer: advanced block graduate seminar (2.0 SWS): “Universities in Canada and the US: Present Issues and Historical Perspectives.” Includes lectures: “The Campus: Mapping Space and Identity,” and “Universities as Political Spaces: War, Conflict, and Identity.” Faculty of Languages and Literatures, Department of English and American Studies, American History, Culture, and Society, Amerika-Institut at Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
- (2015) “The Canadian Society for the Protection of Science and Learning at the University of Toronto: Refugee Professors and Challenges to Academic Cultures, 1935-1946.” Featured Invited Lecture for the 6th West Coast Symposium in the History of Medicine, University of Calgary.
- (2015) “Universities as Citadels of Freedom? Refugee Professors and the Canadian Society for the Protection of Science and Learning at the University of Toronto, 1935-1946.” Invited talk at the Calgary Science, Technology, Medicine, and Environment Studies (STEMS) Colloquium, University of Calgary.
- (2015) “’Leave Some Walks of Life to Men’: Women Academics at the University of Toronto, 1930-1945.” Invited Speaker for the Women’s History Association of Ireland International Women’s Day Spring Seminar, Boston College, University of Dublin.
- (2014) “Communities, Cultures, and Conflict: Histories of Canadian Universities and War.” Invited talk at The Military Museums, Calgary.
- (2011) “Pedagogical Practices in History.” Invited speaker for roundtable at the 90th Annual Conference of the Canadian Historical Association, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton.
- (2009) “Meaning-Making and the Writing of Interpretive History.”Introduction to Interpretive Inquiry (EDER 603.01), Graduate Division of Educational Research, University Of Calgary, Alberta.
- (2007) “Postmodernism, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Critiques of Old Histories in Academic Cultures.” Cultural Theory (COMS 717.78), Faculty of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary, Alberta.
- (2002) “Women and Canadian Higher Education in Historical Perspective.” International Seminar on Canadian Studies, University Of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
- (2002-03) “The Professoriate in the History of Higher Education in Canada.” History and Philosophy of Adult Education on-line course EDER 659.15 (x 2). Graduate Division of Educational Research, University Of Calgary, Alberta.
- (1999) “History of the Professoriate in Canada: An Introduction and Historiography.” Higher Education Research Group Forum, University Of Calgary, Alberta
Histories of Rural Communities and Schooling
Academic Conferences
- E. Lisa Panayotidis and P. J. Stortz (2002). “Re-visiting the One-Room School House: Contemporary Narratives on a “Wild” Rural Educational Past.” Paper for “Playing the WildCard: Un/Disciplined Thoughts on Wild(er)ness Conference” at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Liberal Arts, Augustana University College, Banff, Alberta.
- Paul J. Stortz and J. D. Wilson (1992). “Education on the Frontier: Schools, Teachers, and Community Influence in North-Central British Columbia.” Paper presented at the Canadian History of Education Association Conference, University of Lethbridge, Alberta.
- J.D. Wilson and Paul J. Stortz (1988). “`May the Lord have Mercy on You’”: The Rural School Problem in British Columbia in the 1920s.” Paper presented at the Canadian History of Education Association Conference, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.
Invited and Featured Lectures
- (2001) “Rural Society, Women, and Education in Canada.” Teachers’ Narratives of the Past EDER 689.40. Graduate Division of Educational Research, Faculty of Education, University Of Calgary, Alberta.
- (1988) “Isolated Schools and Educational Progressivism: The Development of Rural Society in British Columbia, 1900-1930.” Langley Centennial Museum And National Exhibition Centre, Fort Langley, British Columbia.
Academic Publishing and Editorial Cultures
Academic Conferences
*Panels organized
- *Paul J. Stortz (1995). “The Characteristics of Change: The Evolution of a Graduate Academic Journal.” Paper presented for panel, “The Refereed Journal as a Graduate Student Experience” at the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, l’Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Paul J. Stortz and E.L. Panayotidis (1994). “The Academic Journal as a Learning Experience for Students in the University and College.” Paper presented at the Seventh Instructional Show & Tell for Ontario Universities and Colleges, University of Guelph, Ontario.
- E.L. Panayotidis and Paul J. Stortz (1993). “The Discourse of New History: Ways of Seeing and Knowing in the Undergraduate Curriculum.” Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Instructional Show and Tell Conference for University Teachers, University of Guelph, Ontario.
Invited and Featured Lectures
- (2013) “Writing in Academics to Get Published.” Invited speaker for graduate roundtable, University of Calgary Writing Centre.
- (2009) “History of Intellectual Culture.” Meet the Journal Editors, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Alberta.
- (2007) “Mapping the Territory of Editorship.” Canadian Association of Learned Journals Congress, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
- (2002) “Peer Evaluation and Reaction to Alternative Publishing.” Talk given at the “Workshop on Alternative Publishing,” Information Resources, University Of Calgary, Alberta.
- (1999) “Writing and Publishing in the Academy.” Department of Theory and Policy Studies, Ontario Institute For Studies In Education/University Of Toronto, Ontario.
- (1994) Academic Writing and Publishing. 1820H (x 2). Theory and Policy Studies in Education, Higher Education Group, Ontario Institute For Studies In Education/University Of Toronto, Ontario.