Tom Strong
Registered Psychologist and Professor Emeritus (Counselling Psychology, University of Calgary)

About Tom
Tom Strong is a professor and counsellor-educator who recently retired from the University of Calgary to Duncan, BC (Canada). He writes on the collaborative, critical and practical potentials of discursive approaches to psychotherapy – most recently on concept critique and development (particularly with respect to therapy and research), and critical mental health. Among Tom’s books are Medicalizing counselling: Issues and tensions, Patterns in Interpersonal interactions (Co-edited with Karl Tomm, Sally St. George and Dan Wulff), Social constructionism: Sources and stirrings in theory and practice (co-authored with Andy Lock) and Furthering talk (with David Paré). In the spring of 2025, a mammoth co-editing project I have been involved with will be published: Smoliak, O., Tseliou, E., Strong, T., Bava, S., & Muntigl, P. (Eds.) (Forthcoming 2025). The Routledge International Handbook of Postmodern Therapies. Routledge.
My teaching interests span a range of areas related to counselling practice: counselling theory, ethics, practicum and clinical supervision, and family therapy. I also teach courses in qualitative research and discourse analysis. As an emeritus professor I teach part-time in both face to face and online distance delivery courses.
To reach me the old fashioned way, try me at strongt@ucalgary.ca
My research interests relate to Qualitative research of counselling change processes, discourse analysis, critical psychology, and adaptations of social constructionist theory to counselling ethics and practice. For access to my downloadable articles and chapters please find copies of my writing at Research Gate: researchgate.net/profile/Tom_Strong
Research: Having retired in summer 2020, I am accepting no new supervisees but remain active as a part-time researcher. My current project is the Routledge Handbook of Postmodern Therapies (forthcoming 2024) which I am co-editing with Olga Smoliak, Eleftheria Tseliou, Saliha Bava, and Peter Muntigl. I suggest that you consult my cv.