PowerPoint Files Being Used To Takeover Computers

How the attack works Attackers are embedding malware inside of PowerPoint files to hide malicious executables that have the ability to change windows registry settings without the user’s knowledge. Usually, unwanted programs become installed but in more extreme cases ransomware may be installed as well. This is especially dangerous because of how trusted a program …

NSO Group has developed a deadly cyber-weapon that is a cybersecurity nightmare

The spyware has been around for more than a decade but recently has been making rounds in the news cycle as several governments have confirmed of being a victim of attacks by it. Recently, both Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Poland’s Supreme Audit Office (NIK)[1] have disclosed that they had been the target of …

Google Privacy Concerns

Google is being sued by attorneys in the US because of it’s tracking system. “The search giant makes it “nearly impossible” for people to stop their location from being tracked and accuse the company of deceiving users and invading their privacy. As a result, the attorneys general are suing Google over its use of location data.” How Do …

How Sextortion Impacts Us

It is evident to say that our generations have constantly been evolving as our technology has developed. With the advanced technology improvement, people are more likely to be exposed to various digital crime compared to the past. One of the well-known digital crimes is blackmailing, leading to cause severe consequences. https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/beware_sextortion/5796/ What is Blackmailing? Blackmail …

How a Bug Bounty Hunter Earned $100,500 from Apple

Apple has rewarded a record-breaking bounty of $100,500 to a security researcher, who reported a bug that can gain unauthorized webcam access[1]. The bug is known to exploit the security flaws within iCloud Sharing and Safari 15, which allowed attackers to also have access to every website ever visited by the victim. Who Found this …

Do you still own your ‘identity’?

What is Identity Theft? Identity theft occurs when one’s personal information is stolen and is used by another person. People usually commit identity theft for several reasons, one of the mentionable reasons would be for financial reasons, others may include illegal immigration, terrorism and spying. According to the FBI, identity theft is the fastest growing …

Fantasy Premier League account hack surge prompts plans to introduce extra login checks for football fans

A spate of account takeover hacks has prompted the English Premier League to promise to introduce two-factor authentication (2FA) controls to its official Fantasy Premier League game (FPL) from next season. FPL has more than eight million players, who sign up with a standard email address and password, although 2FA is not offered as an option. A …

New DeadBolt ransomware group attacks Taiwanese company QNAP Systems

What is QNAP Systems? QNAP systems is a Taiwanese company that specializes in network-attached storage (NAS) devices. A NAS device is a data storage device that connects to a network instead of directly connecting to a computer. These devices have a processor, their own operating system, and can easily be accessed by multiple people. They …

The Dangers of Zero-Days

Recently, Apple has patched two zero-day vulnerabilities in iOS by releasing security updates for users to protect themselves. The first zero-day bug was founded by an anonymous researcher, Meysam Firouzi, and the second one founded by Siddharth Aeri.[1] Both of these zero-day attacks have posed a risk to all iOS users, the first one was …

Google Privacy Controls

In my blog post I intend to expand on and overview on an article cnet.com and 9to5google.com. The articles talk about Google’s privacy controls and what it knows about you and your location with the main goal being to learn to control or delete such data. It goes into detail about developments that have occurred …