Deep Packet Inspection and TLS Certificates for Controlling Website Access – Teaching Aide

DPI is an essential concept and skill to exercise to help organization in enhancing the security posture, enable traffic management, and enforce policies. This teaching aide will sail through a journey, explaining what DPI is, laying out a foundation on DPI concept and shows how DPI uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) as core technology …

Alberta, and Western Canada Co-Operatives Cyber-Attack

In early July 2024, Albertans lined up at gas stations and grocery Co-Op stores. The impact was publicly realized after a formal announcement from by the Federated Co-Operatives Ltd (FCL) on the 27th of June 2024 confirming a security incident on western FLC stores. The cyber-attack widespread knocked out hundreds of Canada’s Co-Op western stores …

Lightweight Cryptography in IoT (Teaching Aide)

Group Project (1): ISEC 601 L02 -1 Firas ShamaJohn BroniKaushik MazumderMohammed IdrisuTamer Zeineldin Description The use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in modern lifestyles introduces more security concerns that intersect with the need for modern cryptography. This research discusses how lightweight cryptography for IoT plays a significant role in securing these devices considering their …

Breaking The Cryptosystem of Auto Keyless Entry, Canada Auto Thefts Surge.

Imagine a sunny day setting in a coffee shop, peacefully sipping your Frappuccino drink, then someone next to you hijacks your car key fob without even touching it or talking to you. A recent statistic by the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) shows that auto theft insurance claims spiked to $1.5 billion in 2023 [3]. …