A leading edge 3-year MD program at the University of Calgary

Re: Problems with referees submitting referee letters

Dear applicants,

With less than 42 hours to the deadline, some of the referees are now trying to contact the office because they are having difficulties.

Troubleshooting for your referees:


1.With your request they get a link and a passcode. They can follow the link or copy and paste the link into the address bar of their Chrome browser and press enter.

2. The link you sent them expires after 24 hours. After that they need to follow the instructions to reset the link. If they click on the link they may get a URL error. In this case see #3

3. The other option is to resend the request to them and it will automatically generate a new link. THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE BY THE APPLICANT.

4. If they leave the form open for an extended period of time, it will time out and freeze. If this happens, they should copy and paste the contents into a word document. They can try to refresh after this but the form will reset. This means coping the comments in word back into the form.