

>> Musiani shows and explains the distribution of caribou genetic lineages and the stability of climatic suitability for caribou <<

“Survival of caribou depends upon habitat, human impacts – such as cut blocks and seismic lines – and interplay with predation. The work they have conducted has included translating academic knowledge into applied products; determining the genetic units at which caribou could be managed and preserved; gathering and analyzing empirical data relating caribou to human impacts, and modelling and predicting future scenarios.”


Dr. Marco Musiani

Be snow smart and get wildlife wise!

If you ski, snowboard, snowshoe, sled or take part in winter activities near the North Columbia Valley in British Columbia, learn how to be a good neighbor to wolverines, caribou and other wildlife.

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Ph.D. Mirjam Barrueto

More Presentations

More Presentations

Some of the presentations we have attended or invited to give!

Grizzly bear foraging ecology and predation

Calgary Field Naturalists, Kananaskis, Canada (2018)

Dr. Marco Musiani

Ecology, genetics and conservation units despite gene flow in highly-vagile terrestrial Mammals (caribou and wolves)

Dialoghi sul comportamento animale. PhD Program Seminar Series, Pisa, Italy (2018).

Dr. Marco Musiani

Grizzly bears and railways: maladaptation

Final Forum of the Grizzly Bear Conservation Initiative, Banff, Canada (2017)

Dr. Marco Musiani

A Framework for Mitigating Wolf-Human Conflict over Livestock Predation in Canada.

Alberta Beef Producers, Wildlife Committee Meeting, Calgary, Canada (2016).

Dr. Marco Musiani

Variation of Endangered Caribou and Reindeer: Reconciling Conservation & Evolutionary Unites.

University of Princeton/Special Seminars, New Jersey, United States (2015).

Dr. Marco Musiani
Wildlife Ecology Research Group

“Landscapes for wildlife”

Marco Musiani Lab

Projects Funded
conservation partners