Our work is mainly academic, and we also work with the media to translate the ecological and evolutionary knowledge that we provide. We are convinced that science should be understandable, and interested individuals and groups could help us figure out the best applications of our contributions.

Verocai GG, Hoberg EP, Simard M, Beckmen KB, Musiani M, Wasser S, Cuyler C, Manseau M, Chaudhry UN, Kashivakura CK, Gilleard JS. (2020). The biogeography of the caribou lungworm, Varestrongylus eleguneniensis (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) across northern North America. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. (11): 93-102.
Pruvot, Musiani, Boyce, Kutz, Orsel. (2020). Integrating Livestock Management and Telemetry Data to Quantify Interactions between Wildlife and Livestock. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
- Pigeon, MacNearney, Hebblewhite, Musiani, Neufeld, Cranston, Stenhouse, Schmiegelow, Finnegan. (2020). The density of anthropogenic features explains seasonal and behaviour-based functional responses in selection of linear features by a social predator. Scientific Reports. (10): 1-13.

- Cavedon*, Goubili*, Heppenheimer, vonHoldt, Mariani, Hebblewhite, Hegel, Hervieux, Serrouya, Steenweg, Weckworth*, Musiani. (2019). Genomics, environment and balancing selection in behaviorally bimodal populations: the caribou case. Molecular Ecology.
- Muhly*, Johnson, Hebblewhite, Neilson, Fortin, Fryxell, Latham, Arienti, McLoughlin , Merrill , Paquet, Patterson, Schmiegelow , Scurrah, Musiani. (2019). Functional Response of Wolves to Human Development across Boreal Ecosystems. Ecology and Evolution. : 1– 15..

- Finnegan, Pigeon, Cranston, Hebblewhite, Musiani, Neufeld, Schmiegelow, Duval, Stenhouse. (2018). Natural regeneration on seismic lines influences movement behaviour of wolves and grizzly bears. PloS one. 13: e0195480.
- Diepstraten*, Jessen*, Fauvelle, Musiani. (2018). Does climate change and plant phenology research neglect the arctic tundra?. Ecosphere. 9: e02362. 10.1002/ecs2.
- Kermish-Wells*, Massolo, Stenhouse, Larsen, Musiani. (2018). Space–time clusters for early detection of grizzly bear predation. Ecology and evolution. 8: 382-395.
- Weckworth*, Hebblewhite, Mariani, Musiani. (2018). Lines on a map: conservation units, meta-population dynamics and recovery of woodland caribou in Canada. Ecosphere. (9): e02323. 10.1002/ecs2.
- Cheng, Musiani, Cavedon*, Gilch. (2017). High prevalence of prion protein genotype associated with resistance to chronic wasting disease in one Alberta woodland caribou population. Prion. 11: 136-142.
- Gubili*; Mariani; Weckworth*; Galpern; McDevitt*; Hebblewhite; Nickel; Musiani. (2017). Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of connectivity patterns: a basis for prioritizing conservation efforts for threatened populations. Evolutionary Applications. 10: 199-211.
Schweizer, Robinson, Harrigan, Silva, Galverni, Musiani, Green, Novembr, Wayne. (2016). Targeted capture and resequencing of 1040 genes reveal environmentally driven functional variation in gray wolves. Molecular Ecology. 10.1111/mec.13467: 357–379.
Musiani. (2016). Wolf hunting and prey behaviors in the real world (book review). Ecology. 97: 1368-1369.
Benz, Boyce, Thurfjell, Paton, Musiani, Dormann, Ciuti*. (2016). Dispersal ecology informs design of large- scale wildlife corridors. PLoS ONE. 11: e0162989.
Schweizer, vonHoldt, Harrigan, Knowles, Musiani, Coltman, Novembre, Wayne. (2016). Genetic subdivision and candidate genes under selection in North American gray wolves. Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/mec.133: 380-402.
Pruvot, Lejeune, Kutz, Hutchins, Musiani, Massolo, Orsel. (2016). Better Alone or in Ill Company? The Effect of Migration and Inter-Species Comingling on Fascioloides magna Infection in Elk. PloS one. 11: e0159319.
Bryan, Smits, Koren, Paquet, Wynne-Edwards, Musiani. (2015). Heavily hunted wolves have higher stress and reproductive steroids than wolves with lower hunting pressure. Functional Ecology. 29(3): 347–356.
Toews*, Musiani, Visscher, Checkley, Smith*, Massolo. (2020). Wildlife and domestic animal overlap and parasitic infections: the Echinococcus multilocularis case. ACTWS 2020 – Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Webinar series, Camrose, Canada.
AbstractCavedon*, vonHoldt, Heppenheimer, Adamczewski, Hebblewhite, Hegel, MacBeth, Mariani, Neufeld, Schwantje, Steenweg, Theoret*, Musiani. (2020). Moving genes around: consequences for caribou conservation breeding program in Jasper area. Alberta Chapter of Wildlife Society (ACTWS) Conference 2020, Webinar series. 2020/11 Abstract
- Theoret*, Cavedon*, Horne*, vonHoldt, Hegel, Steenweg, Schwantje, Adamczewski, Musiani. (2020). Caribou on the Move: Identifying migratory behaviours to preserve intraspecies diversity. Alberta Chapter of Wildlife Society (ACTWS) Conference 2020. Webinar series. 2020/07 Abstract
Schmitt*, Li, Musiani, Filipe. (2020). A innovative paper-based technology for species detection. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Denver, United States.
2020/07 AbstractTheoret*, Cavedon*, Horne*, vonHoldt, Hegel, Steenweg, Schwantje, Adamczewski, Musiani. (2020). Caribou on the move: specifying caribou migratory behaviours to identify and preserve intraspecies diversity. North American Congress for Conservation Biology (NACCB) 2020, Denver, United States. 2020/07 Abstract

- Toews*, Musiani, Checkley, Visscher, Smith*, Massolo. (2020). Echinococcus multilocularis: Infections in domestic dogs and implications for public health. AAVP 2020 – American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Annual Meeting, Snowbird, United States
2020/06 Abstract - Santa*, Rezansoff, Chen , Gilleard, Musiani, Ruckstuhl, Massolo. (2020). Deep amplicon sequencing as a new tool to investigate the intraspecific diversity and the distribution of Echinococcus multilocularis in foxes and coyotes in western Canada. AAVP 2020 – American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists Annual Meeting, Snowbird, United States. 2020/6 Abstract
- Toews*, Musiani, Visscher, Checkley, Smith*, Massolo. (2020). Parasitic infections in domestic dogs:Echinococcus multilocularis. BGSA 2020 – Biology Graduate Student Association Biological Sciences Annual Symposium, Calgary, Canada
2020/3. Abstract - Schmitt*, Li, Carlos, Musiani. (2019). A portable DNA Testing Device for the real-time detection of wildlife for non-experts. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Malaysia
Abstract - Musiani. (2019). Redefining Designable Units (DUs): Phase 2, Mountain and Boreal Caribouin Alberta and BC. 2019 Ecological Forum. Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada, Calgary, Canada
2019/12 Abstract

- Cavedon*, vonHoldt, Mariani, Hebblewhite, Schwantje, Musiani. (2019). Ecological genomics and conservation of caribou in Alberta and western North America. Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society ACTWS · CSTWS 2019 CONFERENCE, Canmore, Canada
2019/03 Abstract - Theoret*, Cavedon*, Musiani. (2019). Classifying caribou migratory behaviour to identify and preserve intraspecies biodiversity. ACTWS · CSTWS 2019 CONFERENCE, Canmore, Canada
2019/3. Abstract - Horne*, Musiani, Cavedon*, Theoret*. (2019). Spatial separation during the caribou rut as a mechanism of reproductive isolation. ACTWS · CSTWS 2019 CONFERENCE, Canmore, Canada
2019/03 Abstract
Massolo, Towes*, Smith*, Lamont*, Rock, Visscher, Musiani, Santa*, Klein, Checkley. (2018). The breed effect on E multilocularis and E canadensis infections in urban dogs: the pooled prevalence may be misleading?. ICOPA 14th International congress of parasitology, Exco, Korea, Republic of
AbstractTheoret*, Cavedon*, vonHoldt, Hegel, Steenweg, Schwantje, Adamczewski, Musiani. (2018). Behavioural And Genomic Variation Within And Between Caribou Populations. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Toronto, Canada

- Theoret*, Cavedon*, vonHoldt, Hegel, Steenweg, Schwantje, Adamczewski, Musiani. (2018). Classifying caribou migratory behaviour as part of an interdisciplinary approach to identify and preserve intraspecies biodiversity. 17th North American Caribou Workshop (NACW), Ottawa, Canada
Abstract - Theoret*; Cavedon*; vonHoldt; Hegel; Steenweg; Schwantje; Adamczewski, Musiani. (2018). The impacts of human footprint on caribou populations may depend on migratory behaviour. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Managing Health of Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kimberley, Canada
Abstract - Cavedon*, vonHoldt, Mariani, Hegel, Hervieux, Musiani. (2018). Ecological genomics: a new interdisciplinary tool for the management and conservation of caribou in western North America. 17th North American Caribou Workshop (NACW), Ottawa, Canada
Abstract - Barrueto*, Musiani, Clevenger. (2018). Cameras, DNA And Collaboration: Tools To Understand Wolverine Population Persistence In Large Multi-use Landscapes. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Toronto, Canada
Abstract - Cavedon*, vonHoldt, Mariani, Hegel, Hervieux, Musiani. (2018). Ecological Genomics And Conservation Of Caribou In Western North America. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Toronto, Canada Abstract

Marco Musiani Lab