Serious Games Research Group

Serious Games Research Group


We are the Serious Games Research Group at the University of Calgary led by Dr. Richard Zhao. We interested in serious games: these are computer games and gaming-related technologies for the purpose of training and education.

“Game” does not narrowly refer to only entertainment, as modern game engines (such as Unreal and Unity) are used everywhere from media and simulations to digital twins. We deploy immersive technologies (virtual reality, eye-tracking technology) as part of the experience.

We examine AI techniques (search and learning) to provide adaptive and personalized experiences, and for automated natural language generation.


New Publication by Mohamad Elzohbi

Ph.D. candidate Mohamad Elzohbi has a new publication, "Poems, Pulses and Polygons: How Classical Arabic Poetry Resonates with Music and Geometry", accepted at the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence...
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Congratulations to Mohamad Elzohbi

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Mohamad Elzohbi for getting his paper "Let the Poem Hit the Rhythm: Using a Byte-Based Transformer for Beat-Aligned Poetry Generation" accepted for publication at the 15th...
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Teaching with XR Community of Practice

On May 2, as part of the Teaching with XR Community of Practice hosted by the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, Dr. Richard Zhao joined a panel on the topic...
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IVS (Immersive Virtual School)

GEARS (Gearing up for Education, Achieving Real-world Success)


Email: seriousgames (at)

Serious Games Research Group: ICT 716

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4, Canada