My publications

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A primary focus of my published works has been on discursive approaches to therapy and relational change.

Please consult my cv for more completed details.

These approaches explore meaning-making and change, particularly through collaborative forms of dialogue. I am proud of my recent involvement in co-editing: Smoliak, O., Tseliou, E., Strong, T., Bava, S., & Muntigl, P. (Eds.) (Forthcoming 2025). The Routledge International Handbook of Postmodern Therapies. Routledge.

Some of my other books include:

Lock, A., & Strong, T. (2010). Social Constructionism: Sources and Stirrings in Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press.  (

Lock, A., & Strong, T. (Eds.) (2012). Discursive perspectives on therapeutic practice. Oxford University Press.

Tomm, K., Wulff, D., St. George, S., & Strong, T. (Eds.) (2014). Patterns of Interpersonal Interactions: Inviting Relational Understandings for Therapeutic Change. Routledge.

Strong, T. (2017). Medicalizing counselling: Issues and tensions? Palgrave Macmillan.

Smoliak, O. & Strong, T. (Eds). (2018). Therapy as discourse: Research and practice. Palgrave Macmillan

Some recent peer-reviewed chapters/articles include:

Most of my non-book publications are downloadable at Research Gate:

Ong, B., Tseliou, E., Strong, T., & Buus, N. (2023). Power and dialogue: A review of discursive research. Family Process, 62, 1391–1407.

Sametband, I., Chiara, G., Gaete, J. & Strong, T. (2024). Negotiating Cultural Relevance From Within Therapy Conversations. Human Systems, 4(1), 3-20, DOI:10.1177/26344041231199908

Zaidi, R., Oliver, C., Strong, T., & Alwarraq, H. (2021). Behind Successful Refugee Parental Engagement: The Barriers and Challenges. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue Canadienne De l’éducation, 44, 907–937.

Strong, T., Sametband, I., & Gaete Silva, J. (2021). Constructing Processes of Involuntary Global Migration: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 34(1), 1-8.  

Tseliou, E., Burck, C., Forbat, L., Strong, T. & O’Reilly, M. (2021).  The Discursive Performance of Change Process in Systemic and Constructionist Therapies: A Systematic Meta-Synthesis Review of In-Session Therapy Discourse. Family Process, 60(1). 42-63.   

Strong, T. (2021). Review of Hannah Zeavin’s The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy. For the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Strong, T. (2021). Review of The Routledge International Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 23(1), 99-112. 

Mudry, T. & Strong, T. (2020). Researching socio-material practices. In S. McNamee, M. Gergen, C. Camargo Borges, & E. Rasera (Co-Editors). Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice (pp. 100-112). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.