ISEC 611 Group 8 – Garbled Circuits

Walkthrough : Code Example Link:  Introduction to Garbled Circuits (History and Overview)  Garbled circuit is a computational technique which Andrew Yao introduced in an oral presentation in 1986, and the first written document was authored by Goldreich, Micali, and Widgerson in 1987. The term “garbled circuit” was coined by Beaver, Micali, and Rogaway …

US Treasury Hacked by Chinese Sponsored Hackers

What Happened: It was reported on January 10th that the US Treasury department was victim of a hack that occurred a month earlier on December 8th. The US Treasury has since called it a ‘Major Incident’ and called in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), FBI and other intelligence organizations for help in containing …

Teaching Aid – POODLE and Padding Oracle Attack

Walkthrough : Code Repository : History of the Padding Oracle Attack  Padding Oracle attacks, also known as Vaudenay attacks was originally published in 2002 by Serge Vaudenay. The term ‘padding oracle’ appeared in literature in 2002, after Serge Vaudenay’s attack on the CBC mode decryption used within symmetric block ciphers. The earliest well-known …

Post Quantum Cryptography: Kyber for Dummies

On August 13th 2024 NIST published the standards FIPS 203 (Kyber), FIPS 204 (Dilithium) and FIPS 205 (SPHINCS+) which are all quantum resistant algorithms that will soon replace those currently in use. The Kyber standard is a key encapsulation scheme which uses public key enabling and will replace the Diffie Hellman exchange. Dilithium and SPHINCS+ …