From BGSA bylaws
- The duty of the President is to:
- Chair Departmental Graduate Association (DGA, BGSA in the Department of BioSci) Meetings;
- enforce due observation of the Constitution and Bylaws of the DGA and the Association;
- be the official representative of the DGA, responsible for the official correspondence of the DGA and the coordination with the DGA and the respective Department Head;
- attend GRC meetings, or delegate another member of the DGA as proxy;
- oversee the operation of the officers of the DGA;
- shall provide assistance to the VP Events in planning and running events; and
- sit on committees as necessary.
- The duty of the VP Internal is to:
- Ensure items and tasks voted on are executed;
- chair executive meetings in the President’s absence;
- take over the duties of the President in the event that the President is unable to perform them;
- shall provide assistance to the VP Events in planning and running events; and
- sit on committees as required.
- The duty of the VP Finance is to:
- Oversee the financial operations of the DGA and
- create and maintain all financial records of the DGA;
- prepare and monitor purchases and expenditures of the approved budget from the prior meetings;
- compile and submit one (1) financial statement with the annual report to the Association and DGA membership;
- shall provide assistance to the VP Events in planning and running events; and
- sit on committees as necessary.
- The duty of the VP Communications is to:
- Take minutes during meetings of the Executive and make such minutes available to all members of the Executive;
- relay all correspondence within the Executive and from the Executive to members;
- shall provide assistance to the VP Events in planning and running events; and
- sit on committees as necessary.
- The duty of the VP Events is to:
- Oversee the planning of events hosted by the BGSA; and
- sit on committees as necessary.
- The duty of the VP Student Life is to:
- Promote events and their details to members;
- shall provide assistance to the VP Events in planning and running events; and
- sit on committees as necessary.