A leading edge 3-year MD program at the University of Calgary

Contacting Verifiers /Areas of Concern/Offer Date

Dear Applicants,

We are now truly in the home stretch with approximately a week left before we send out offers.

I’m sending this out to reduce some anxiety because every year there is this belief that there is a relationship between a verifier being contacted and your admission status. Whether you have a verifier contacted or not does not say anything about what is going to happen to you next week.

The main reason we contact verifiers is outlined in the Applicant Manual and is to look for Areas of Concern.

“The applicant’s file will be considered open until the first day of class. The Admissions Office
reserves the right to continually review the file and contact referees and/or verifiers during this
time. Any evidence of misrepresentation, misleading information, or other irregularities or
concerns will be brought forward to the Admissions Committee and may result in revocation of
any offer that has been made.”

Contacting verifiers goes beyond this-

“In addition, the applicant’s file may be randomly selected for review during their time in the
undergraduate medical program at the Cumming School of Medicine. Any evidence of
misrepresentation, misleading information, or other irregularities or concerns will be brought
forward to the Associate Dean of UME and may result in a formal review in front of the Student
Academic Review Committee and appropriate recommendations made which may include
withdrawal from the program”

So for some of you, you may not have a verifier contacted until after the offers go out or even well into the program.

Unfortunately, every year, there are students who get moved from their position on the list because of Areas of Concern.

As of today, offers will go out either May 12 or 13th.