To be me or not to be me: That is the question?
Today I bring you a spin on the classic phrase from Hamlet’s soliloquy which is one of the most recognizable in all of literature. Most of you…
Today I bring you a spin on the classic phrase from Hamlet’s soliloquy which is one of the most recognizable in all of literature. Most of you…
Hopefully everyone is having an excellent weekend. I wanted to address two points in the blog today. The first one has to do with entering the description…
Hello everyone, We have had several inquiries regarding the dates when the scores will be released for those who were unsuccessful during the last admissions cycle. If…
I hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend. Calgary is in full Stampede mode and hopefully the weather will cooperate so that our international visitors can take…
Happy Canada Day everyone!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend. I have officially taken over for Dr. Ian Walker as Director of Undergraduate Medical School…