The original call for abstracts for the 2023 SaGES conference in Calgary was set to March 17, 2023 (today). In an effort to reach out to more surveying/geomatics colleagues, we have decided to extend the abstract deadline to the end of the month, i.e., March 31, 2023. So far we have received submissions from institutions in South Carolina, Maine, Alberta, Ontario, Italy, Pakistan, South Korea, Pennsylvania, Texas, New Jersey, Oregon, Tennessee, etc. Please keep submitting.
SaGES 2023 on FIG calendar
The SaGES 2023 conference in Calgary this year has also been added to the FIG calendar. FIG stands for Fédération Internationale des Géomètres (in French) or in English: the International Federation of Surveyors. Similarly to the ISPRS, FIG is an umbrella organisation where the majority of the membership comes from national associations. The association representing Canada is the Canadian Institute of Geomatics or CIG.
SaGES 2023 is now an ISPRS co-sponsored event
The 2023 Surveying and Geomatics Educators’ Society (SaGES) conference has been approved as a co-sponsored event by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). The event has been added to the 2023 ISPRS calendar. In essence, there will be a technical session dedicated to the ISPRS Technical Commission V, working group WG V/1 . Commission V is on “Education and Outreach”, and WG V/1 focuses on “Education and Training through Curricula Development and Enhanced Learning Practices”.