CPDW2 was held May 30–31, 2017 in Ottawa, Ontario, at the John G. Diefenbaker Building (formerly Ottawa City Hall). The workshop was hosted through partnership between the Canadian Cryospheric Information Network/Polar Data Catalogue (CCIN/PDC), Polar Knowledge Canada, and numerous other organizations.
The workshop aimed to coordinate polar data management activities in Canada as well as work on specific action items that were raised during the inaugural CPDW in 2015. The workshop was structured to reach specific outcomes through working sessions and consensus building on themes such as policy, funding, collaboration, and governance structure.
Purpose and Objectives:
The purpose of the second Canadian Polar Data Workshop was to gather people involved in polar data management from across the country to share ideas and identify key priorities and commitments for coordinating the work of the polar data community and, ultimately, advance our work in support of our vision.
The objectives of this workshop were to:
- Share knowledge and build connections and relationships across the polar data community in Canada.
- Discuss and provide input to the recommendations set forth in the Canadian polar data community position paper.
- Identify ways to improve coordination and collaboration across key players in this community.
- Develop a set of clear priorities and commitments for action from the community.
- Recommend a preferred governance model for the polar data community.
- Advance thinking around options and opportunities for funding and data management policy development and implementation.
Final Report
Report of the 2nd Canadian Polar Data Workshop: A Roadmap to the Future of Polar Data Management in Canada
Other Documents
- Position paper (without comments)
- Position paper (with comments)
- Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami submission to the Naylor Panel for Canada’s Fundamental Science Review
- Plenary presentation: The Polar Data Landscape
- Case study presentations
- Lightning talks
- Theme presentations