Post-Doctoral Fellows: |
Research Title: |
Date Begin: End |
Luis M. T. De Carvalho (PhD) |
High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery for Detecting Multiscale Forest Changes: An integration of Geo-Object-Based Image analysis and Wavelet Transforms |
06-2009: 07-2010 |
Stefan Steiniger (PhD) |
PAGEVIS-LD: Pattern Aware Generalization
and VISualization of Land-use Data |
01-2008: 08-2009 |
Guillermo Castilla (PhD) |
SCRM: Size Constrained Region Merging |
05-2006: 05-2008 |
Research Associates |
Isabel Couloigner (PhD) |
Tech level (I) Part time: HEAT Remote Sensing Specialist – Alberta Real-estate & ISEEE |
03-2013: 03-2014 |
Isabel Couloigner (PhD) |
Tech level (I): HEAT Remote Sensing Specialist – Tecterra funded |
03-2012: 03-2013 |
Weng. Cao (MSc) |
Tech level (I): HEAT Geoweb Specialist – Tecterra funded |
03-2012: 03-2013 |
Chris Kyle (MGIS) |
Tech level (I): HEAT Geoweb Decision Support Architect – Tecterra funded |
02-2012: 03-2013 |
Chris Kyle (MGIS) |
HEAT Geoweb Decision Support Architect – ISEEE funded |
02-2009: 02-2011 |
PhD |
Mojgan Mirzaei |
Developing a Web-Enabled VGI to Support Urban Energy Efficiency and Green Real-Estate in the City of Calgary, Alberta. |
09-2014: 05-2016: |
Fai Man Wu |
A High-Resolution Multiscale Remote Sensing Analysis of Calgary’s Urban Heat Island to Improve Urban Energy Efficiency. |
09-2013: 05-2015: |
Rustam Kamberov |
Integrating Geospatial Technologies to Accurately Model Residential Energy Consumption and Improve Urban Energy Efficiency. |
09-2012: 09-2014: |
Mustafizur Rahman |
Developing a semi/automated protocol to post-process large volume, High-resolution airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imagery for urban waste heat mapping. |
09-2009: 09-2014 |
Ryan Powers |
A multiscale, multisensory and multi-temporal analysis of Wasteheat in the city of Calgary. |
09-2009: 09-2010 |
Gang Chen |
A GEOBIA Framework for Estimating Forest Biophysical Parameters: Integrating Lidar Transects and Quickbird Data. |
07-2006: 05-2011 |
MSc |
Salar Ghaffarian |
Automatic Mapping of Residential Rooftops using H-Res Thermal Imagery. |
09-2018: Present |
Bilal Abdulkarim |
Supporting Urban Energy Efficiency with A Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) System: A Calgary Case Study. |
09-2011: 05-2014 |
Kerry Ross |
The Influence of Microclimate, Plant Selection and Building Design on Green Roofs in Calgary, Alberta. |
09-2011: 09-2014 |
Bharanidharan Hemachandran |
Using H-Res Thermal Imagery to Develop HEAT Scores and Energy Models in Support of Residential Energy Efficiency. |
09-2009: 03-2013 |
Ryan Powers |
How Many Wetlands are Missing? A Multiscale GEOBIA of Wetlands in the Boreal Plains of Albert. |
09-2007: 04-2009 |
MGIS (Masters of Geographic Information Systems) |
Corey Hughes |
Creating Urban HEAT Scores based on TIR imagery and Machine learning. |
09-2018: Present |
David Griffith |
RoofTree – Mapping and assessing urban vegetation covering rooftops. |
09-2016: 07-2018 |
Zhang Linghu |
Data mining TIR imagery to quantify urban energy consumption. |
09-2013: 05-2015 |
Yuanhua Yu |
Developing a VGI to support wide-area roof material classification from H-Res TIR imagery. |
09-2013: 05-2015 |
May Kongwongthai |
Multi-temporal 3D-modeling of green roof vegetation-volume from a hand-held SLR camera. |
09-2012: 05-2016 |
Yilong Zhang |
Evaluating the relationships between house structural properties and rooftop heat loss: a geo-spatial modelling approach. |
09-2010: 01-2013 |
Francis Savio |
An Automated Approach to Exploratory Thermal Mapping Interpolation Toolkit (ETMIT) - for Home Energy Efficiency Improvement. |
09-2009: 11-2014 |
Sulakshmi Das |
Evaluating Vegetation Indices and Thermal Infrared imagery to improve GEOBIA Impervious Surface Mapping from high–resolution imagery. |
09-2009: 08-2012 |
Salman Naqvi |
Developing Remote Sensing Google Map APIs for Mobile devices. |
09-2008: 05-2010 |
Christopher Kyle |
HEAT – Home Energy Assessment Technologies: A Web Service for Residential Energy Efficiency Evaluation in the City of Calgary. |
09-2007: 04-2009 |
Kerry Larkin |
Patches as Natural Units Within the Landscape Hierarchy. |
09-2005: 04-2008 |
Joshua Ben-Arie |
The Development and Evaluation of a Pit Filling Algorithm for LiDAR Digital Surface and Digital Canopy Models of Coniferous Forest Landscapes. |
09-2005: 06-2007 |
Adam Linteris |
Evaluating the Influence of Scale and Image Type in the Accuracy of Total Volume Estimates Derived from Image Segmentation of Lidar and Quickbird Imagery. |
09-2005: 06-2007 |
Co-Supervised Grads |
David Nuell (MSc) |
Incomplete moved to Industry |
09-2005: 06-2007 |
Jennifer Klassen (MSc) |
Analysis of NDVI time series for phenology |
09-2005: 06-2007 |