Our University Startup Company
In Nov 2013, Dr Hay’s HEAT research team won the MIT Climate CoLab Grand Prize from over 400 crowd sourced contestants world-wide, and appeared in 25+ national/international media interviews. In April 2014, this research was commercialized as MyHEAT Inc.
MyHEAT is a Calgary geomatics startup company built on research developed by Dr Hay’s UofC research team. Since creation, MyHEAT has hired 4 University of Calgary graduate students/Postdocs from the departments of Geography and Geomatics engineering – including several of Dr Hay’s former students.
MyHEAT’s goal is to empower the Urban Energy Efficiency movement with a platform designed to help residents visualize, the amount of invisible waste heat (thermal energy) and associated GHGs leaving their homes, communities and cities, as simply as clicking on an image in Google Maps. In Jan 2016, the MyHEAT team unveiled their first commercial product as www.myheat.ca. In Sept 2016, they completed 500,000+ detailed heat-loss images at the house, community and city level for 5 Alberta Municipalities. By the end of 2017 MyHEAT had web-enabled over 1.3 million detailed images of Canadian buildings’ heat-loss (5.3M residents) in 21 cities and towns. By the end of 2019 MyHEAT had collected and processed proprietary thermal images for 47+ cities, in 2 countries (Canada and the United States), covering 11,000+ sq.km and a population of about 9 million people – with more projects planned in Canada, the United States and Europe.
For additional details please see this story