Assessment of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Threats and Failures: Approaches and Challenges
February 7, 2019, Calgary, AB
Hosted by NACE Northern Area Western Canada (NAWC)
MIC Forum Objectives
- To provide insights on the latest approaches being used to assess MIC in the oil and gas sector.
- To hear current perspectives on MIC threat and failure analysis from end users, service providers and regulators.
- To gain insights from peers through guided discussions on the practical and scientific challenges associated with MIC.
Presentations (links open PDFs)
Forum Introduction, R. Eckert, DNV GL, & J. Wolodko, U. Alberta
Current and Future Guidelines for MIC Threat and Failure Assessment, R. Eckert, DNV GL
An Operators View on Approaches to MIC Threat and Failure Assessment, T. Place, Enbridge Pipelines
An Regulator’s View on Approaches to MIC Threat and Failure Assessment, J. Been, National Energy Board
MIC: Assessment, Approaches, and Challenges, G. Jennerman, GJ Microbial Consulting, LLC