As described on our Lab Access page, qualified individuals can obtain after hours access to the Lab(s). For many students, you will not have to do anything to obtain access. For others, you may have to take a couple additional steps. Here is the procedure we use:
- The Lab receives a list of users who are entitled to card access. In the case of students majoring in Art, Drama, Dance or Music, we will receive a list of degree majors in mid-September. In the case of lab classes, the instructor will provide the list as soon as access is needed.
- Lab staff forward the list of users to Campus Security and request an appropriate level of access for those users.
- Within three business days, Campus Security provides access to users who have a University ID Card (“Unicard”) that works with the proximity card system.
Almost all users will have such a card, but if your card is older (e.g., issued 10 years ago or more), check the back of your Unicard to see if there is a 5- or 6-digit number below the magnetic strip (see the picture below). If you do not have such a card, please get it replaced for free at the Unicard office.

If our request to give you card access failed due to the type of card, you will need come to the Lab and ask Lab staff to put in a new request for access.
Extraordinary requests for access should be made to Lab staff. Check the Lab Access page for a description of some of the support or documentation you may need for an access request.
If you have declared a minor in Art, Music, Drama or Dance, you may also obtain access by speaking with Lab staff during office hours. We will ask you to provide proof of your minor via the online Student Centre.