If you are using software such as Pano2VR to create 360° panoramas meant for online viewing, the app will export your “tour” in a way that is meant to be shown in a web browser (it will mostly consist of a collection of HTML and image files). There are two ways to view this tour in a browser:
- Upload your tour to a web site and then view it from that web address, or
- View the files stored locally.
For the latter option, most modern web browsers put security measures in place to prevent you from loading a locally-stored web site (which is essentially what the “tour” is). In order to view your panorama, you will need to turn off that security feature. The makers of Pano2VR have documented how to change this settings on most of the major web browsers:
FAQ: How come I’m not seeing any images when I click on the HTML file in the output folder?
You do not have to restart your browser (or computer); these settings should go into effect immediately.