All Classes Online as of May 5

As per Alberta Health pandemic-related restrictions, all classes are now being offered online only. However, if you need access to Lab computers to do your class work, this is still possible.

Ask your instructor for details or contact us directly.

Service Schedule April 2021

The Main Lab will be open for services on the following dates and times as we approach the end of the Winter Term (subject to change):

✔︎ Wed., March 3109:00-15:30
✔︎ Thu., April 109:00-16:00
✔︎ Tue., April 609:00-16:00
✔︎ Thu., April 809:00-16:00
✔︎ Mon., April 1211:00-16:00
✔︎ Tue., April 1309:00-16:00
✔︎ Mon., April 1909:00-16:00
✔︎ Wed., April 2109:00-12:00
✔︎ Fri., April 2310:00-16:00
The Head Technician will take a lunch break around noon hour on each of those days.

Please remember to maintain a 2 metre distance between all people in the Lab as much as possible. You should not be having close conversations or sharing computers even if you are wearing a mask.

The lab will be closed for the week of April 26 due to staff holiday time. No services will be available.

End of Fall Term

As a part of our end-of-term cleanup, the following will occur/has occurred:

  • All local user accounts on Lab computers will be deleted on December 18.
  • All user files stored on the Server will be removed on January 4.
  • Access to the ZBrush licenses for students in Art 323 will end on December 18.
  • Computers will be shut down as of December 18.
  • No services will be available until January 4.

Pay with Unicard!

Effective immediately, you can pay for services in the IAML with your Unicard. Historically, the IAML has only accepted cash, so if you did some printing and weren’t carrying cash, it would have required a trip to MacEwan Hall to get money from an ATM. Now that we accept Unicard, you have the option to load your Unicard with any amount online if you have a credit card. As well, if you go to the Service Centre on the main floor of International House (formerly Hotel Alma), you may load your Unicard using credit, debit, or cash.

Until at least the end of March, we will continue to accept cash in the IAML.

For more information on Unicard or to check your account balance, visit

For students in the Department of Art, you will be able to pay with your Unicard for any services provided by the Art technicians (photography, woodshop, metal shop, printmaking). Art Department chits are no longer for sale, but you may still use existing chits until the end of the Winter Term.

Limited Card Access Now Available

We now have approval to give out card access to the Labs under specific terms.

Students must make a request to the Head Technician (Anthony) in order to obtain card access to the Labs (via email to or in person when the technician is on site). The student will need to provide their UCID number and the reason for their request (e.g., “Dance 391 student”, “graduate student in Art”). The student must go through a safety orientation (re: cleaning stations and hands, maximum occupancy, physical distancing) in person or via video conference (e.g., Zoom, Teams, FaceTime). This can be done individually or in a group (e.g., as part of a class).

As usual, card access is limited to majors and minors in Art, Music, Drama, and Dance, as well as those students taking a course in one of those disciplines that requires Lab access. Students unwilling or unable to go through the safety orientation may still access the two computers available outside the north door of the Main Lab.

The access hours for undergraduates match the current building hours: 08:00–17:00 weekdays. Graduate students and Faculty will have 24 hour access. Students may access either the Main Lab or the Small Lab with their approved card access.

It takes Campus Security up to three business days to process card access requests, so students should initiate this process well before an assignment is due.